PI name
Recent Publication
Baylor College of Medicine |
Prof. B.V.V. Prasad |
X-ray crystallographic studies on viral proteins |
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Baylor College of Medicine |
Prof. Timothy Palzkill |
Structural Studies of Class A Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamases and Inhibition of Beta-Lactamases by BetaLactamase Inhibitory Proteins BLIP and BLIP-II |
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Baylor College of Medicine |
Dr. Choel Kim |
Structural biology projects targeting cGMP dependent protein kinase system, Embryonic stem cell factors and Germ
Cell-Specific proteins |
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Baylor College of Medicine |
Dr. Sukyeong Lee |
Crystal structure of Hsp100 molecular chaperone |
Baylor College of Medicine |
Dr. Damian Young |
Florida International University |
Prof. Barry Rosen |
Most of the known arsenic detoxification genes and characterized their gene products at the biochemical and structural level |
University of San Diego |
Prof. Susan Taylor |
PKA Cβ isoforms: a forgotten catalytic subunit opens new windows for PKA signaling and disease pathologies |
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University of San Diego/affiliated to UCLA |
Dr. Nunzio Bottini |
Human glutathione synthetase in its substrate-free state |
University of San Diego |
Dr. Seth Cohen |
Rational Design of Metal-binding Pharmacophore Isosteres as Inhibitors of Influenza Endonuclease |
University of San Diego |
Prof. Michael Burkart |
Structural Evaluation of Short-Chain Producing Ketosynthase Mutants in E.coli. |
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Vassar College, New York |
Dr. Krystle McLaughlin |
Co-crystal Structures of Conjugative Proteins from Salmonella Typhimurium |
Mayo Clinic, Florida |
Prof. Evette Radisky |
Structural studies of human extracellular proteases that represent drug targets for cancer |
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Seattle Children’s |
Dr. Bart Staker |
Co-crystal structure of NMT from Plasmodium vivax and inhibitors |
Texas A&M University |
Dr. Pingwei Li |
Texas A&M University |
Dr. Wenshe Liu |
Structural studies of novel inhibitors bound to SARS-COV2 main protease |
University of Pacific |
Dr. Georgios Pantouris |
Structural characterization of MIF superfamily members |
University of Colorado |
Dr. Jerome Fox |
Biostructural Analysis of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases and Related Complexes |
Miami University Ohio |
Prof. Rick Page |
Structural biology of the inhibition of mortalin; metallo-B-lactamase structural studies |
Cleveland State University |
Prof. Jacqueline Vitali |
Room temperature structure of M. jannaschii dihydroorotase |
Link |
University of Vermont |
Prof. Karen Glass |
Structural studies of BDP1 and ATAD2 bromodomains of Plasmodium falciparum and acetylated histone ligand recognition |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute |
Prof. Florian Schubot |
Crystal structure of histidine kinase dimerization interface of GacS |
National Cheng Kung University Tainan, Taiwan |
Prof. Shuying Wang |
Structural insights ino substrate recognition by C. difficile sortase |
California Lutheran University |
Prof. Katherine Hoffmann |
Cofactor complexes of DesD and structural insights into the NIS synthetase family |
Stanford University |
Prof. Richard Kimura |
Evaluation of integrin avB6 csytine know PET tracers for the detection of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis |
University of Iowa |
Prof. Christopher Cheatum |
Room temperature structures probing the involvement of distal residue dynamics of purine nucleoside phosphorylase |